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10 thoughts on “About

  1. Remote Control is a junk , I tried for more than hour to make it work but no result.

    this message show in the program on WAVE II
    ” Click the connect button in few seconds again”

    please somebody help me and send me the right way to make it work on my e-mail : u.dragon@live.com

    • I solved the problem , it was in my router ( D-Link).

      I like the RemoteDesktop program, and I will buy the full version.

      But I hope you will make another RemoteDesktop program for Samsung Wave(((((( work by Bluetooth))))))

  2. Hi,
    I really enjoy the SW, but this SW properly working on WIFI only, i dun understand how to ensure port 8899/TCP available on my internet or not. i can use internet normally on my samsung wave using data pakage (3G) from my network provider. really need your advice on this. thanks.

  3. Greetings.

    How can I send you the e-mail (have several questions regarding Remote Control)? simx@simx.mobi seems to be broken. Can you publish correct e-mail please or just send me a short message.

    Best regards.

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