Remote Desktop

Remote Desktop is a tool to control your PC computer your phone

Links to the app pages in stores:

Main features:

  • Mouse and Keyboard emulation
  • IP based communication
  • Multitouch support (Mouse drag’n’drop, Ctrl+C, etc)
  • User-definable layouts (BRE format)

Before first use:

  1. Install RemoteDesktopServer on the PC (find the link below)
  2. Open the port TCP:8899 on the PC if any firewall is installed
  3. Run RemoteDesktopServer on the PC (add to autostart to have it always run)

Win32-compatible server:

Go to
and click:

How to use:

  1. Install and run RemoteDesktopServer on PC machine (look the above section for details)
  2. If the WiFi is available: Make sure WiFi is running on the phone
  3. If the WiFi is not available: Ensure the port 8899/TCP is available from the Internet (redirect the port in your LAN router if needed)
  4. Run RemoteDesktop tool on the phone
  5. Set correct IP of the server
  6. Click Connect
  7. Press keyboard or mouse buttons to control your PC

General advice:

  1. To switch the layout: Android: Click menu, Bada: Click Camera button
  2. To go back to the main screen: Android: click Back button, Bada: Long press Camera button

Remote Desktop controlling:

  1. To move the screen: drag the finger. To single click, tap the screen
  2. To zoom in/out – use two-finger zooming or use side UP/DOWN buttons
  3. Don’t lock the screen before you connect by RemoteDesktop – the application doesn’t use the Windows RDP protocol. So it doesn’t support Windows-based authentication

Release Notes:

V1.0.1 (2011.01.11):

  • key click marked by short vibration and key highlight
  • user-definable layouts (Android: /sdcard/brelayout, Bada: /Others/bRemote)
  • Bada: fast switching between layouts using Camera button (short click to switch the layout, long click to back to the main page)
  • Settings page

V1.0.6 (2011.01.23):

  • mouse wheel supported
  • Full Keyboard available on Remote Desktop layouts.

V1.1 (2011.02.17):

  • Customizable auto-hold of control keys (SHIFT, CTRL, ALT) and mouse buttons
  • Cursor-oriented steering in remote desktop

V1.2 (2011.04.19):

  • Password-based authorization

Known bugs:

  • Administrator’s privilege request dialog is not displayed on the screen

189 thoughts on “Remote Desktop

    • the settings using the link in your desktop “RemoteDesktopServerSetup130.exe”
      2.install it
      3.type the IP address shown in your desktop,in your mobile
      4.type similar password
      5.connect using your mobile,enjoy the app…

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